General knowledge of Ma'rib Governorate the state/province of Yemen

Mostly asked questions about the province Ma'rib Governorate

What is the country of Ma'rib Governorate ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Ma'rib Governorate ?

How many cities are in the state Ma'rib Governorate ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Ma'rib Governorate ?

What are the name of cities of Ma'rib Governorate ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Ma'rib Governorate

First question is about the country which is Yemen and YE is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Ma'rib Governorate there is only 15 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Ma'rib Governorate by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Ma'rib Governorate
Country Name flag of YE Yemen
Country Code YE
Total States of Yemen 21
Total Cities of State 15

All Cities of Ma'rib Governorate

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Al Abdiyah 14.71700000 45.39340000
2 Al Jubah 15.12490000 45.28680000
3 Ḩarīb 14.93045000 45.36820000
4 Bidbadah 15.39810000 44.74730000
5 Harib Al Qaramish 15.47350000 44.61530000
6 Jabal Murad 15.04740000 45.18870000
7 Ma'rib 15.46253000 45.32581000
8 Mahliyah 14.68210000 45.18320000
9 Majzar 15.82770000 44.79410000
10 Marib 15.62130000 46.01110000
11 Marib City 15.41560000 45.30340000
12 Medghal 15.63840000 45.00380000
13 Raghwan 15.79020000 45.06940000
14 Rahabah 14.95100000 45.08850000
15 Sirwah 15.43690000 45.01150000